Data from: Are movements of day- and night-time passerine migrants as different as day and night?

Michalik B, Brust V, Hüppop O. 2020. Data from: Are movements of day- and night-time passerine migrants as different as day and night?. Movebank Data Repository.
Even after decades of research, the migration of songbirds still holds numerous secrets. Distinct stopover and routing behavior of diurnally and nocturnally migrating songbirds has been stated in the 1960s, but empirical confirmation is yet lacking widely. We studied the behavior of individual diurnally migrating dunnocks and nocturnally migrating blackcaps by means of large‐scale automated radio‐telemetry. Birds were radio‐tagged during their stopover at the German North Sea coast. Our data indicate longer initial stopover duration in the diurnally migrating dunnocks, opposing the hypothesis of nocturnal migrants needing more time to recover due to their longer migratory flights. Nonetheless, dunnocks stopped over more often along their tracks as when compared to the nocturnally migrating blackcaps. Behavior en route did not differ as clearly between species challenging the general view of contrasting routings of diurnal and nocturnal migrants with regard to landscape and open water. Our results imply additional factors of relevance other than differences in species or daily migration timing per se. We discuss and highlight the need of detailed and individual based data to better understand stopover and routing behavior of songbirds in the environmental context.
Prunella modularis, Sylvia atricapilla, animal tracking, avian migration, dunnock, Eurasian blackcap, Motus, passerines, Prunella modularis, radio telemetry, Sylvia atricapilla
Prunella modularis
Sylvia atricapilla
Eurasian Blackcap
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  title = {Data from: Are movements of day- and night-time passerine migrants as different as day and night?},
  author = {Michalik, B and Brust, V and Hüppop, O},
  year = {2020},
  URL = {},
  doi = {doi:10.5441/001/1.675pd8k5},
  publisher = {Movebank data repository}
ID  - doi:10.5441/001/1.675pd8k5
T1  - Data from: Are movements of day- and night-time passerine migrants as different as day and night?
AU  - Michalik, Bianca
AU  - Brust, Vera
AU  - Hüppop, Ommo
Y1  - 2020/09/08
KW  - Prunella modularis
KW  - animal movement
KW  - Sylvia atricapilla
KW  - animal tracking
KW  - avian migration
KW  - dunnock
KW  - Eurasian blackcap
KW  - Motus
KW  - passerines
KW  - Prunella modularis
KW  - radio telemetry
KW  - Sylvia atricapilla
KW  - Prunella modularis
KW  - Sylvia atricapilla
PB  - Movebank data repository
UR  -
DO  - doi:10.5441/001/1.675pd8k5
ER  -