MoveApps Attribute Dictionary
The following are definitions of terms for properties used in describing MoveApps workflows published in the Movebank Data Repository. The properties are divided into different collections and describe the workflow itself, administrative and technical information about the apps used within the workflow, and the configuration of the apps in all workflow instances that are part of the publication. This set of information is called metadata as it is additional information about other data. It is useful in helping to understand the workflows and enable reusability.
The schema follows a hierarchical structure. This means that certain properties serve as container elements to group underlying properties, which in turn contain the descriptive information itself.
Each property is defined by a name, a definition, an example, how often it can be repeated, whether it is mandatory, a unit, the entity described, and the way the information is submitted to the metadata (automatically or submitted by the user).
- Container: A container metadata property is used as a structuring element. It doesn’t contain any information itself but is an empty element. All respective subproperties are structured a layer below it and can be container elements themselves.
- Controlled Vocabulary: If the content of a property comes from a finite list of possible options, the unit is marked as ‘controlled vocabulary’.
- ID: If the information is a unique identifier for a resource, the Unit is marked as ‘ID’.
- String: If a metadata property contains text or other more free-form information, it is marked as ‘string’.
- URI: If a metadata property contains a link to another resource, the unit of this property is marked as ‘URI’ (for ‘Uniform Resource Identifier’).
- xsd:date: o xsd:date: For date information on workflows/apps the xsd:date type, used in the XML schema context, is used.
Workflow properties
Workflow administrative properties
- Name: workflowPid
- Definition: Globally unique persistent identifier for the workflow. The Movebank Data Repository uses
DOI ( as the persistent identifier system.
- Example: ''
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowTitle
- Definition: Name of a workflow.
- Example: ‘Morning report’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowDescription
- Definition: Short textual description of the workflow.
- Example: ‘Get overview about your tags' performance and whereabouts.’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowPeople
- Definition: Container element for data about all people involved in relation to the workflow.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowPerson
- Definition: Container element for data about a person in relation to the workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowPersonID
- Definition: Persistent identifier for a person related to a workflow. MoveApps uses ORCID.
Subproperty of workflowPerson.
- Example: ‘0000-0002-1825-0097’
- Occurrence: 0-n
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowPersonName
- Definition: Container element for the name of a single person related to a workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowPersonNameFirstName
- Definition: First name and middle initials of a person related to a workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘Jane’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowPersonNameLastName
- Definition: Last name of a person related to a workflow. Subproperty of workflowPersonName.
- Example: ‘Doe’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowPersonRoles
- Definition: Container element for roles of a person related to a workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowPersonRole
- Definition: Role of a person related to a workflow. Subproperty of workflowPersonRoles.
- Example: ‘creator’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: controlled vocabulary
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowPersonAffiliation
- Definition: Container element for an institution a person related to a workflow is affiliated to.
Subproperty of workflowPerson.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-n
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowPersonAffiliationName
- Definition: Name of an institution of a person related to workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowPersonAffiliationID
- Definition: ID of an institution of a person related to a workflow. MoveApps uses ROR as an
identifier for institutions. Subproperty of workflowPersonAffiliation.
- Example: ‘’
- Occurrence: 0-n
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowPersonContact
- Definition: E-Mail address of a person related to a workflow. Subproperty of workflowPerson.
- Example: ‘’
- Occurrence: 0-n/1
- Obligation: optional/mandatory for the creator of the workflow
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowPublisher
- Definition: Name of the publisher of a workflow. The value of this property will by default be
- Example: ‘MoveApps’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowRights
- Definition: Container element for the license under which the workflow is published.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowRightsLabel
- Definition: Name of the license the workflow is published under. Subproperty of workflowRights.
- Example: ‘MIT License’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: controlled vocabulary
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowRightsURI
- Definition: Link to resource describing the license. Subproperty of workflowRights.
- Example: ‘’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: uri
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowDate
- Definition: Container element for different date attributes of a workflow.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowDatePublished
- Definition: Date on which the workflow was submitted to publishing. Subproperty of workflowDate.
- Example: ‘2021-05-31T09:50:30.832Z’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: xsd:date
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowDateCreated
- Definition: Date on which the workflow was created in the MoveApps dashboard. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘2021-04-22T13:24:57.314Z’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: xsd:date
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowKeywords
- Definition: Container element for keywords to describe a workflow.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowKeyword
- Definition: A single keyword describing a workflow. Subproperty of workflowKeywords.
- Example: ‘data overview’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowFundings
- Definition: Container element for funding information of a workflow.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowFunding
- Definition: Container element for a single funding record of the workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowFundingName
- Definition: Specific funding source that supported the development of the workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘Funding agency X’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowFundingComment
- Definition: Comment on a specific funding for a workflow. Subproperty of workflowFunding.
- Example: ‘Funding for this workflow was part of grant XY.’
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowCitation
- Definition: Citation suggestion for the workflow. The citation is automatically created using
available metadata information.
- Example: ‘Kölzsch, A., Wikelski, M., 2021. Morning Report. MoveApps.’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowReferences
- Definition: Container element for storing links to apps, publications, workflows and other objects.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowReference
- Definition: Container element for a single reference of a workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowReferenceType
- Definition: Description of a reference category. Subproperty of workflowReference. A list of
available reference types can be found in the MoveApps documentation under The possible references types are shared between
workflows and apps.
- Example: ‘IsNewVersionOf’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: controlled vocabulary
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowReferenceURI
- Definition: Link to a referenced entity. Subproperty of workflowReference.
- Example: ‘’
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: uri
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowReferenceNote
- Definition: Human readable note for the specific reference. Subproperty of workflowReference.
- Example: ‘This workflow is based on the referenced version of XY.’
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
Workflow instance and configuration properties
- Name: workflowInstances
- Definition: Container element for different instances of a single workflow. Each instance consists of
the same apps but they might be configured in different ways.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowInstance
- Definition: Container element for a single workflow instance. The publication of at least one
instance is mandatory. Subproperty of workflowInstances.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowInstanceID
- Definition: Identifier for a single workflow instance. Unique in the workflow. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘2a1fc9cb-853d-4de8-bf01-15c2589eee08’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowInstanceLabel
- Definition: Human readable name of a specific workflow instance. Subproperty of workflowInstance.
- Example: ‘Report with reference date’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowInstanceDescription
- Definition: Human readable description of a specific workflow instance. It can describe what this
specific instance is configured to do in comparison to other published workflow instances. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘Simple Morning Report workflow, enabling the user to get an overview of a Movebank data
set. As in the example, the reference date can be set to match the historical data. Usually, however, this
workflow is meant for use in the field on data that are still coming in. Then the reference date must be the
present day (default). That way, it can be explored what the animals are doing, if the tag is working
properly and if it makes sense to try and visit the animal in the field (distance to present location).’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: user
- Name: workflowConfiguration
- Definition: Container element to document the order of the used apps and their configuration of the
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowConfigurationEvent
- Definition: Container element for a single event/app in the sequence. Subproperty of
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowConfigurationEventID
- Definition: Incremental number for the different events a workflow consists of. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘1’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowConfigurationEventUsedApp
- Definition: Container element for the specific app used in the sequence event. Subproperty of
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowConfigurationEventUsedAppId
- Definition: Use of distinct identifier (see app metadata 'internalId') of the specific App.
Subproperty of workflowConfigurationEventUsedApp.
- Example: ‘8eeafaad-410e-440b-a105-94f6ff4109d8’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
- Name: workflowConfigurationEventUsedAppConfig
- Definition: Container element for a set of data describing the configuration/parameters of the app
and how it is used in this specific workflow. Subproperty of workflowConfigurationEventUsedApp. For the
description of the parameters metadata properties from the app programming specific part of this document
are used.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: workflow
- Submission: system
App properties
App administrative properties
- Name: internalId
- Definition: System internal ID for the app.
- Example: ‘8eeafaad-410e-440b-a105-94f6ff4109d8’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: title
- Definition: Name of the application.
- Example: ‘Movebank’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: language
- Definition: Language of the app and/or its material. Coded in ISO 639-2.
- Example: ‘eng’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: people
- Definition: Container element for data about all people involved in relation to the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: person
- Definition: Container element for data about a single person in relation to the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: personID
- Definition: Persistent identifier for a person related to an app. MoveApps uses ORCID. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘0000-0002-1825-0097’
- Occurrence: 0-n
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: personName
- Definition: Container element for the name of a person related to the app. Subproperty of person.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: personNameFirstName
- Definition: First name of a person related to the app. Subproperty of personName.
- Example: ‘Jane’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: personNameLastName
- Definition: Last name of a person related to the app. Subproperty of personName.
- Example: ‘Doe’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: personAffiliation
- Definition: Container element for a institution a perosn related to the app is affiliated to.
Subproperty of person.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: personAffiliationName
- Definition: Name of an institution of a person related to an app. Subproperty of personAffiliation.
- Example: ‘Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: personAffiliationID
- Definition: ID of an institution of a person related to an app. MoveApps uses ROR. Subproperty of
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-n
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: ID
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: personContact
- Definition: E-Mail address of a person related to an app. Subproperty of person.
- Example: ‘’
- Occurrence: 0-n
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: publisher
- Definition: Name of the Publisher (default value is MoveApps).
- Example: ‘MoveApps’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: rights
- Definition: Container element for the license under which the app is published.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: rightsLabel
- Definition: Name of the license the app is published under. Subproperty of rights.
- Example: ‘MIT License’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: rightsURI
- Definition: Link to resource describing the license. Subproperty of rights.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: uri
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: date
- Definition: Container element for different date attributes of the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: datePublished
- Definition: Date on which this version of the app was published in MoveApps. Subproperty of date.
- Example: ‘2021-02-10T14:54:42.608Z’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: xsd:date
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: version
- Definition: Container element for versioning of the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: versionNumberMoveApps
- Definition: Label for the MoveApps version number of the app. Subproperty of version.
- Example: ‘13’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: versionNumberGit
- Definition: Label for the Git version number of the app. Subproperty of version.
- Example: ‘v4.3’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: versionChangeLog
- Definition: String for describing the changes implemented from last version. Subproperty of version.
- Example: ‘Download Movement tracks which are stored in a Movebank study. It is possible to select
Animals, a time range and duplicate filtering methods.’
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: citation
- Definition: Citation suggestion for the app. The citation is automatically created using available
metadata information.
- Example: ‘Hirt, J., Kölzsch, A., Scharf, A. K. 2021-02-10. Movebank. version v4.3 (13). MoveApps.’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: fundings
- Definition: Container element for funding information of the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: funding
- Definition: Container element for a specific single funding. Subproperty of fundings.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: fundingName
- Definition: Name of a specific funder for an app. Subproperty of funding.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: fundingComment
- Definition: Comment on a specific funding for an app. Subproperty of funding.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: documentation
- Definition: Link to a documentation for the app. The documentation is stored in the git repository
for the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: uri
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: references
- Definition: Container element for storing links to apps, publications, workflows and other objects.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 0-n
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: reference
- Definition: Container element for single reference. Subproperty of references.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: referenceType
- Definition: Description of a reference category. Subproperty of reference. A list of available
reference types can be found in the MoveApps documentation under The possible references types are shared between
workflows and apps.
- Example: ‘IsNewVersionOf’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: controlled vocabulary
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: referenceURI
- Definition: Link to referenced entity. Subproperty of reference.
- Example: ‘’
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: uri
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: referenceNote
- Definition: Human readable note for the specific reference. Subproperty of reference.
- Example: ‘The app was used in Workflow XY as well.’
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: appSource
- Definition: Link to git repository containing source code of the app.
- Example: ‘’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: uri
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: keywords
- Definition: Container element for keywords.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: keyword
- Definition: A single keyword describing an app. Subproperty of keywords.
- Example: ‘datasource’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
App technical properties
- Name: dockerBaseImage
- Definition: Container for information about the used docker base image.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: dockerBaseImageName
- Definition: Name of the used docker base image. Subproperty of dockerBaseImage.
- Example: ‘rocker/r-ver:4.0.3’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: dockerBaseImageLink
- Definition: Link to the source repository of the docker base image. Subproperty of dockerBaseImage.
- Example:
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: uri
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: software
- Definition: Container element for the used programming language/software.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: softwareLabel
- Definition: Human readable name of the used programming language/software. Subproperty of software.
- Example: ‘R’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: controlled vocabulary
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: softwareVersion
- Definition: Version number of the used programming language/software. Subproperty of software.
- Example: ‘4.0.3’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: operatingSystem
- Definition: Container element for the used operating system for running the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: operatingSystemLabel
- Definition: Name of the used operating System for running the app. Subproperty of operatingSystem.
- Example: ‘Ubuntu’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: operatingSystemVersion
- Definition: Version number of the used operating System for running the app. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘20.04.1 LTS’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: operatingSystemLibraries
- Definition: Container element for operating system libraries needed for running the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: operatingSystemLibrariesLibrary
- Definition: Specific operating system library needed for running the app. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘libxml2-dev/focal,now 2.9.10+dfsg-5 amd64’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
App programming language specific properties
- Name: rPackages
- Definition: A list of packages used by theapp. Contains information of packrat.lock file. The
metadata property is mandatory if at least one package was used by the app.
- Example: '‘PackratFormat: 1.4
PackratVersion: 0.5.0
RVersion: 4.0.3
Repos: BioCsoft=,
Package: BiocManager
Source: CRAN
Version: 1.30.10
Hash: 43ec086b20519eb9b4156f70577f9f44’
- Occurrence: 0-1
- Obligation: optional
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: rAppFunctions
- Definition: Container element for used functions of the app.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: rAppFunction
- Definition: Container element for a single function of the app. Subproperty of rAppFunctions.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: rAppFunctionLabel
- Definition: Human readable label of a specific function. Subproperty of rAppFunction.
- Example: ‘study’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: rAppFunctionInputs
- Definition: Container element for the input arguments of a function. Subproperty of rAppFunction.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: rAppFunctionInput
- Definition: Container element for a single input of function. Subproperty of rAppFunctionInputs.
- Example: /
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: container
- Described entity: app
- Submission: system
- Name: rAppFunctionInputLabel
- Definition: Name for the input of a function. In many cases the input is not labelled, when it is the
only input of a function. If no name available the metadata property is marked with '*/*'. Subproperty of
- Example: ‘studyId’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: rAppFunctionInputValue
- Definition: Value used in the specific configuration of a workflow. Only used in
workflowConfiguration container. Subproperty of rAppFunctionInput.
- Example: ‘53.9’
- Occurrence: 1
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: string
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: rAppInputType
- Definition: Value of expected type of input data for an app.
- Example: ‘MOVEMENT’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: controlled vocabulary
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user
- Name: rAppOutputType
- Definition: Value of expected type of output data for an app.
- Example: ‘WEBUI’
- Occurrence: 1-n
- Obligation: mandatory
- Unit: controlled vocabulary
- Described entity: app
- Submission: user