Data from: Study "LifeTrack White Stork Kosova"

Maxhuni Q, Gashi A, Hoxha L, Wolf G, Fiedler W. 2021. Data from: Study "LifeTrack White Stork Kosova". Movebank Data Repository.
1. Quantifying movement and demographic events of free-ranging animals is fundamental to studying their ecology, evolution and conservation. Technological advances have led to an explosion in sensor-based methods for remotely observing these phenomena. This transition to big data creates new challenges for data management, analysis and collaboration. 2. We present the Movebank ecosystem of tools used by thousands of researchers to collect, manage, share, visualize, analyse and archive their animal tracking and other animal-borne sensor data. Users add sensor data through file uploads or live data streams and further organize and complete quality control within the Movebank system. All data are harmonized to a data model and vocabulary. The public can discover, view and download data for which they have been given access to through the website, the Animal Tracker mobile app or by API. Advanced analysis tools are available through the EnvDATA System, the MoveApps platform and a variety of user-developed applications. Data owners can share studies with select users or the public, with options for embargos, licenses and formal archiving in a data repository. 3. Movebank is used by over 3,100 data owners globally, who manage over 6 billion animal location and sensor measurements across more than 6,500 studies, with thousands of active tags sending over 3 million new data records daily. These data underlie >700 published papers and reports. We present a case study demonstrating the use of Movebank to assess life-history events and demography, and engage with citizen scientists to identify mortalities and causes of death for a migratory bird. 4. A growing number of researchers, government agencies and conservation organizations use Movebank to manage research and conservation projects and to meet legislative requirements. The combination of historic and new data with collaboration tools enables broad comparative analyses and data acquisition and mapping efforts. Movebank offers an integrated system for real-time monitoring of animals at a global scale and represents a digital museum of animal movement and behaviour. Resources and coordination across countries and organizations are needed to ensure that these data, including those that cannot be made public, remain accessible to future generations.
Ciconia ciconia, animal migration, animal movement, animal tracking, avian migration, bio-logging, Ciconia ciconia, GPS logger, GSM telemetry, white stork
Ciconia ciconia
White Stork
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  title = {Data from: Study "LifeTrack White Stork Kosova"},
  author = {Maxhuni, Q and Gashi, A and Hoxha, L and Wolf, G and Fiedler, W},
  year = {2021},
  URL = {},
  doi = {doi:10.5441/001/1.s367rd3k},
  publisher = {Movebank data repository}
ID  - doi:10.5441/001/1.s367rd3k
T1  - Data from: Study "LifeTrack White Stork Kosova"
AU  - Maxhuni, Qenan
AU  - Gashi, Agim
AU  - Hoxha, Liridon
AU  - Wolf, Gregor
AU  - Fiedler, Wolfgang
Y1  - 2021/12/10
KW  - Ciconia ciconia
KW  - accelerometer
KW  - animal migration
KW  - animal movement
KW  - animal tracking
KW  - avian migration
KW  - bio-logging
KW  - Ciconia ciconia
KW  - GPS logger
KW  - GSM telemetry
KW  - white stork
KW  - Ciconia ciconia
PB  - Movebank data repository
UR  -
DO  - doi:10.5441/001/1.s367rd3k
ER  -