@misc{001/1_12hv60k6/1, title = {Fall Gulf of Mexico crossings by migratory Swainson's thrushes, wood thrushes, and red-eyed vireos (data from Deppe et al 2015)}, author = {Deppe, JL and Ward, MP and Bolus, RT and Diehl, RH and Celis-Murillo, A and Zenzal, TJJ and Moore, FR and Smolinsky, JA and Schofield, LN and Enstrom, DA and Paxton, EH and Bohrer, G and Beveroth, TA and Raim, A and Obringer, RL and Delaney, D and Cochran, WW}, year = {2016}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5441/001/1.12hv60k6/1}, doi = {doi:10.5441/001/1.12hv60k6/1}, publisher = {Movebank data repository} }